There is no justification in scripture same-sex activity

Opposition to same-sex marriage is based on a Biblically deep-rooted teachingOpposition to same-sex marriage is based on a Biblically deep-rooted teaching
Opposition to same-sex marriage is based on a Biblically deep-rooted teaching
The letter from Harold Ohayon (February 5) challenges Christians to think about their opposition to same-sex marriage.

I do not speak for Ashers, but no doubt they sell sausage rolls because our Lord Jesus Christ declared all foods to be clean (Mark 7 verse 19), and they close on a Sunday to worship on what Christians believe to be the Lord’s Day.

The problem that Christians have with same-sex marriage is not based on a few “cherry picked” texts, but on a Biblically deep-rooted teaching, in both Old and New Testaments, that the institution of marriage is between one man and one woman.

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Harold understands living Biblically as following 613 Old Testament laws. Christianity would see that as Pharisaism or Moralism, a far cry from a grace-centred and Holy Spirit inspired obedience to Jesus Christ.

People may rage against it, but the simple truth is that there is no justification within the Scriptures of Old and New Testaments for same-sex sexual activity OR any sexual activity outside that of the marriage of one man to one woman.

The Moral Law can never secure such obedience, but the glory of the Gospel is that the Spirit of Christ can.

Rev Stephen Johnston, Kilkeel

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